Can people infected with the COVID 19 virus recover on their own?

Can people infected with the COVID 19 virus recover on their own?

Like other respiratory illnesses, COVID-19 can cause mild symptoms including runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever. About 80% of cases can recover without the need for special treatment.

What is the name of the new corona virus and what are the symptoms of the new corona virus?

This new virus was later called SARS-CoV2, while the disease was called Covid-19. SARS-CoV2 can cause mild to severe respiratory illness. Some sufferers may even have no symptoms at all. Common symptoms that often occur in sufferers are fever, fatigue, and cough.

How is the spread of the corona virus which often occurs?

He said that the most indirect transmission of the Covid-19 virus occurred. Transmission occurs through objects around us that are contaminated with the Covid-19 virus that we touch and then touch our mouth, nose and eyes.

How do you treat diseases caused by the corona virus?

Until now, there has been no specific drug that has been recommended to prevent or treat diseases caused by the new corona virus (COVID-19). Those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those who are seriously ill should be taken to hospital.

What are the indications that someone has the COVID 19 virus?

People who are indicated by the Corona virus will experience symptoms such as cough, flu, sore throat, shortness of breath, lethargy and fatigue, even in some cases the patient will experience pneumonia or problems with the lungs.

What is the temperature of the person affected by the COVID 19 virus?

Body temperature is one of the symptoms of a person suspected of contracting Covid-19, besides that there is a cough, flu and shortness of breath which are also symptoms of the disease. Someone should be suspected of contracting Covid-19 if their body temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius and above.

Is there a special drug to prevent or treat the new corona virus?

Until now, there has been no specific drug that has been recommended to prevent or treat diseases caused by the new corona virus (COVID-19). Those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those who are seriously ill should be taken to hospital.

What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 other than wearing a mask?

The Covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) can be anywhere, sticking to objects around us. The most effective way to prevent transmission of the virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap.

Will the COVID-19 vaccine be available for free?

The government said that the COVID-19 vaccination is free and without any conditions, including without membership requirements and activity at BPJS Kesehatan.

How do you break the chain of transmission of the corona virus?

Staying at home is one of the best solutions in breaking the chain of transmission of the virus. The nature of the Corona virus is that it is able to reproduce by dividing and mutating frequently. It is especially vulnerable if people who are not compliant to stay at home are repeatedly exposed to a carrier of the virus.

How do you avoid the spread of the corona virus?

If possible, don't use public transportation. Always keep a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people including in health facilities and wash your hands frequently with soap and running water or if this is not available, use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol).

Has Palestine discovered a coronavirus vaccine?

Palestine and other Arab countries have yet to find a coronavirus vaccine. No source of information was found in the news, including no official source from the Chinese Ministry of Health quoted in the report.

Is the pneumonia vaccine recommended to prevent coronavirus?

Although the pneumonia vaccine is not effective against COVID-19, vaccination against respiratory disease is highly recommended to protect your health.

Are cloth masks effective in preventing transmission of the corona virus?

The use of cloth masks is not effective in preventing the transmission of the corona virus that causes COVID-19 and can only be used as a last resort

Is homecoming allowed?

Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of COVID-19 Doni Monardo issued Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning Criteria for Restricting Travel of People in the Context of Accelerated Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) which regulates policies regarding the prohibition of homecoming activities.

What does the COVID-19 virus pandemic mean?

Currently, COVID-19 has become a pandemic, meaning that there has been an increase in cases of the disease which is quite fast and there has been spread between countries.