These are the health benefits of the ketogenic diet

Ketogenic Pros vs Ketogenic Cons

There are many pros and cons about the Ketogenic Diet. Some experts claim that this is the best diet for almost everyone, but some opinions just the opposite.

For the author, these two opinions from 2 different camps are not wrong, "There is no perfect diet for everyone and all conditions." Adjust the diet to your condition, disease history.

Learn to recognize your body, what your body needs what makes your body better health. Looking for references to increase knowledge about health and routinely conduct periodic health checks.
Benefits of the ketogenic diet for patients From the research of several experts, it is stated that this Ketogenic Diet has many benefits and is stated to be very positive and helps people health in conditions: epilepsy type 2 diabetes type 1 diabetes high blood pressure alzheimer disease parkinson's disease chronic allergies high blood sugar level obesity / obesity heart disease polycystic ovary sindrome fatty liver suffer cancer migraine

Benefits of the ketogenic diet for patients

From the research of several experts, it is stated that this Ketogenic Diet has many benefits and is stated to be very positive and helps people health in conditions:
  • epilepsy
  • type 2 diabetes
  • type 1 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • alzheimer disease
  • parkinson's disease
  • chronic allergies
  • high blood sugar level
  • obesity / obesity
  • heart disease
  • polycystic ovary sindrome
  • fatty liver suffer
  • cancer
  • migraine

Health benefits of the ketogenic diet

Even for those of us who are not at risk with some of the conditions above, the Ketogenic Diet has a very positive effect. Some of the general benefits of the Ketogenic Diet are:
  1. Better brain function benefits
  2. Improve body condition
  3. Decreased allergy levels
  4. Lose weight benefits
  5. Increased energy / stamina
  6. Better sleep quality benefits