A process is considered as out of control
When a data point falls outside the control limits, the data point is out of control, and when it happens the entire process is out of control. Every process has variation in the end products. The range is calculated based on +- 3 sigma. Data points within the range are in control, and the data points not in the range are out of control. A process is considered as out of control when?
A. Seven consecutive points above the mean.
B. Seven consecutive points below the mean.
C. A data point exceeds the control limit.
D. All of the above.
Answer: Option D is correct.
A process is considered as out of control when:
- A data point exceeds the control limit.
- Seven consecutive points above the mean.
- Seven consecutive points below the mean.
- Out of control : When a data point falls outside the control limits, the data point is out of control, and when it happens the entire process is out of control. Every process has variation in the end products. The range is calculated based on +- 3 sigma. Data points within the range are in control, and the data points not in the range are known as out of control.