Plant insertion activities are carried out to replace plants that have died, are lost or are likely not to produce optimally. Both census and insertion activities aim to ensure that the plants in the field are productive.
The implementation of plant insertion is 3 plants, so that the uniformity of harvest is possible. The frequency of time to insert the plants is provided with 2 rotations per year for 18 months from planting.
The method of inserting a plant is that the dead plant is pulled out and placed in an interlock. Then plant insertion is carried out by starting the planting point. Planting is carried out by following the usual procedure, except for seeds using larger seeds (≥ 12 months of age) so that it is possible to cut the seedlings.
Fertilizer at plant insertion, given 1.5 times the fertilizer dose per hole than the initial planting. Furthermore, it is treated the same as the other plants around it.