What are examples of radioisotopes as sources of radiation in medicine?

Examples of radioisotopes as a source of radiation in medicine

1) Radiation sterilization.

Radiation in certain doses can kill microorganisms so that it can be used for sterilization of medical equipment.

Sterilization by means of radiation has several advantages when compared to conventional sterilization (using chemicals), namely: Radiation sterilization is more perfect in killing microorganisms. Radiation sterilization does not leave chemical residues. Because it is packaged first and then sterilized, the tool cannot be contaminated with bacteria again until the package is opened.
Sterilization by means of radiation has several advantages when compared to conventional sterilization (using chemicals), namely:
  • Radiation sterilization is more perfect in killing microorganisms.
  • Radiation sterilization does not leave chemical residues.
  • Because it is packaged first and then sterilized, the tool cannot be contaminated with bacteria again until the package is opened.
Unlike the conventional method, which is sterilized first and then packaged, then in the packaging process there is still the possibility of getting infected with germs.

2) Tumor or cancer therapy.

Various types of tumors or cancers can be treated with radiation. In fact, both normal cells and cancer cells can be damaged by radiation but cancer cells or tumors are more sensitive (more easily damaged by radiation). Therefore, cancer cells or tumors can be killed by directing radiation precisely at the cancer cells.