What is the effects on the body if you drink too much soda?

Soft drinks are delicious to enjoy anytime. But who would have thought, it turns out there are bad effects behind it for the health of the human body. The reason is, soft drinks can erode tooth enamel, weaken muscles, make you hungrier, and more.  Despite knowing the magnitude of the health effects associated with soft drinks, most people still consume them frequently. If you know that it's very difficult to stop drinking soda, it's good to find out how to reduce it.
Soft drinks are delicious to enjoy anytime. But who would have thought, it turns out there are bad effects behind it for the health of the human body. The reason is, soft drinks can erode tooth enamel, weaken muscles, make you hungrier, and more.

Despite knowing the magnitude of the health effects associated with soft drinks, most people still consume them frequently. If you know that it's very difficult to stop drinking soda, it's good to find out how to reduce it.

7 effects of soft drinks (soda) on the health of the human body

As reported on the Eatthis page, here are seven effects of soft drinks on the health of the human body.

1. Consuming diet soda

The same study found that drinking artificially sweetened soda drinks increased all causes of death. This risk could increase mortality for any reason and by a staggering 26 percent. Meanwhile, soft drinks sweetened with sugar increased mortality by 8 percent. That basically means that diet soda drinks is more than three times as dangerous effects as high-sugar sodas drinks.

2. Increase the risk of death

If you drink two or more cans of soda a day, you could be in serious danger. A 2019 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that drinking two or more soft drinks, specifically soda, significantly increased participants' risk of death from all causes.

3. Causes damage

Food coloring can cause pretty terrible damage effects. Research has found that some artificial colors can damage DNA and trigger cancer formation, so check the ingredients, and generally try to stick to sodas that are made in natural colors or fruit colors.

4. Aging faster

Just because diet soda is dangerous doesn't mean you have to add sugar. A study published earlier this month found that diet soda with high sugar content can make you age faster. You're better off sticking to a healthy, low-sugar alternative to fix soft drinks.

5. Exposure to toxins

BPA may no longer be present in most plastic bottles, but many aluminum cans still contain this harmful chemical in the epoxy coating. Drinking it straight from a can can expose you to this blood pressure-boosting toxin, putting you at higher risk for heart disease.

6. Disrupt sleep patterns

When you drink caffeinated fizzy drinks late at night, researchers have found that they can disrupt sleep patterns and disrupt circadian rhythms. Quality sleep is closely tied to longevity, so don't drink soda late at night for a longer life.

7. Make dehydration

Nutrition experts say that the worst time to drink soda is right before a workout because it will dehydrate you. This can make it more difficult for you to reap the life-prolonging benefits of exercise.