What is examples of alternatives generation?

Alternatives generation technique

Alternatives generation technique Alternatives generation often is useful in defining project scope. An example of a technique that can be used is—   a. Sensitivity analysis  b. Decision trees  c. Mathematical model  d. Lateral thinking  Answer: d. Lateral thinking  Examples of alternatives generation Lateral thinking, brainstorming, and analysis of alternatives are examples of alternatives generation that can be used to develop as many potential options as possible to execute and perform the project’s work. [Planning]
Alternatives generation often is useful in defining project scope. An example of a technique that can be used is— 

a. Sensitivity analysis 
b. Decision trees 
c. Mathematical model 
d. Lateral thinking

Answer: d. Lateral thinking 

Examples of alternatives generation

Lateral thinking, brainstorming, and analysis of alternatives are examples of alternatives generation that can be used to develop as many potential options as possible to execute and perform the project’s work. [Planning]