What kind Complexity in the project is due to the nature?

The complexity arises in the project due to one of the reasons below, which is?

The complexity arises in the project due to one of the reasons below, which is? Some of the projects that Victor is working on are very complex in nature and difficult to manage. He works for First Line Inc. which is a credit card company. He reports to Miles who is the senior director in the organization. The complexity arises in the project due to one of the reasons below, which is?  A. Human behavior. B. Ambiguity. C. Only option B is correct. D. Both A and B are correct.  Answer: Option D is correct. Complexity in the project is due to the nature of: System behavior -due to interdependencies of multiple systems involved in the project. Human behavior – due to diverse individuals and groups. Ambiguity - lack of understanding in the project team.

Some of the projects that Victor is working on are very complex in nature and difficult to manage. He works for First Line Inc. which is a credit card company. He reports to Miles who is the senior director in the organization. The complexity arises in the project due to one of the reasons below, which is?

A. Human behavior.
B. Ambiguity.
C. Only option B is correct.
D. Both A and B are correct.

Answer: Option D is correct.

Complexity in the project is due to the nature of:

  1. System behavior -due to interdependencies of multiple systems involved in the project.
  2. Human behavior – due to diverse individuals and groups.
  3. Ambiguity - lack of understanding in the project team.