The government recognizes the Covid-19 test rate speed in Indonesia is still one of the lowest in the world. Minister of National Development Planning (PPN / Head of Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said that the Covid-19 examination capacity (swab test) in the country speed is still at 743 tests per one million people. Until now, 202,936 people have been examined by swab tests in Indonesia.
"With our current capacity of 10 thousand-12 thousand even yesterday, on 18 (May) it has reached more than 12 thousand tests, it is expected that in the next month we can reach 1,838 per one million population," explained Suharso after a limited meeting with President Jokowi, Wednesday (5/20).
"Brazil is relatively similar to Indonesia at 3,462," Suharso said. President Jokowi, he said, has repeatedly ordered his staff to accelerate the ability of tests in Indonesia. This massive test is considered to be the key to accurate Covid-19 distribution mapping. The speed of the test is also expected to make the service to the sick can be faster too.
"Hopefully in the future we will really be up to 12 thousand. If it can be 12 thousand, hopefully we will increase by one million per one," Suharso said. The Indonesian government is finalizing a social policy easing policy so that the community can be productive again. This step is in line with the 'campaign' echoed by the government lately that the community must be able to coexist with Coronavirus.
Suharso stated that there are at least three parameters that must be met before the easing policy is implemented. First, low transmission rates. This is illustrated in the parameter R0 which interprets how severe the transmission of a disease. The second parameter is the health system indicator. This point focuses on the readiness of health facilities in an area serving Covid-19 patients. An indicator of readiness, if the number of new cases is lower than the total health capacity provided specifically for Covid-19. Each health facility is only permitted to allocate 60 percent of its capacity to Covid-19 patients.
"For example, if a hospital has 100 beds, then the maximum number of 60 beds is for covid. Now the number of new patients arriving in such days must be under 60 people," Suharso said. This calculation will be a consideration whether an area is given permission to relax social restrictions or not. The third parameter is surveillance. This term refers to testing a group of people whether they are potentially infected with Covid-19 or not. How to make sure? Suharso mentioned that the key was in the mass test.