What are the climate suitability criteria for oil palm?

Oil palm can grow well on land with latosol, podzolic red yellow and alluvial soil types. The physical and chemical properties of soil required are good drainage, deep solum and pH 4-6. Land suitability for oil palm plants is determined by land characteristics, namely rainfall, dry months, altitude, land slope, surface rock, effective depth, soil texture, drainage class and soil pH. The climate suit for oil palm planting is a rainfall of 2,000 - 3,000 mm per year, an average temperature of 28, a height of 0-500 m above sea level and 5-7 hours of sunshine per day. Due to limited land availability, the cultivation of oil palm other than mineral soils can be carried out on peat land by meeting the criteria that can ensure the sustainability of the function of the peatland.
Oil palm can grow well on land with latosol, podzolic red yellow and alluvial soil types. The physical and chemical properties of soil required are good drainage, deep solum and pH 4-6. Land suitability for oil palm plants is determined by land characteristics, namely rainfall, dry months, altitude, land slope, surface rock, effective depth, soil texture, drainage class and soil pH. The climate suit for oil palm planting is a rainfall of 2,000 - 3,000 mm per year, an average temperature of 28, a height of 0-500 m above sea level and 5-7 hours of sunshine per day. Due to limited land availability, the cultivation of oil palm other than mineral soils can be carried out on peat land by meeting the criteria that can ensure the sustainability of the function of the peatland.

Oil palm climate suitability criteria are:

  • Rainfall - Oil palm requires rainfall of 2,000 - 2,500 mm / year with dry months <75 mm / month not more than 2 months.
  • Temperature - Average annual temperature for oil palm growth and production ranges from 24 ° -29 ° C, with the best production between 25 ° –27 ° C. The optimum humidity is 80 - 90% with wind speeds of 5 - 6 km / hour.
  • Altitude - The ideal location (altitude) of oil palm plantations ranges from 0 - 500 m above sea level (asl).
  • Duration of exposure - The good sunshine time for oil palm is between 5-7 hours / day. Minimum 5 hours of exposure per day, all year round.

State what are the land requirements for oil palm?

Oil palm plants can grow well in soil with a pH level of 4-6.5. The optimum acidity level (pH) for palms is 5.0-5.5. Oil palm requires soil that is loose, fertile, flat, well drained (irrigated) and has a sufficiently deep solum layer (80 cm) without a solid layer.

Explain what is the importance of paying attention to the growing requirements for oil palm cultivation?

The importance of paying attention to the growing requirements for palm cultivation is as a reference in the development, growth and production of oil palm.