Who invented the antibiotic drug penicillin?

What is Penicillin?

Penicillin is a type of antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections. Penicillin works by killing bacteria that cause infection or stopping their growth. Some of the conditions that can be treated with penicillin include:
  • Sore throat due to a Streptococcus infection
  • Rheumatic fever 
  • Actinomycosis 
The type and dose of penicillin used can differ, depending on the condition you are experiencing. Patients are advised to consult a doctor before using penicillin.

Who invented the antibiotic drug penicillin?

The inventor of penicillin is Alexander Fleming, a doctor from Scotland. The discovery of the antibiotic penicillin earned Fleming the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945, along with Howard Florey and Ernest Chain.

From accident became penicillin

Penicillin was discovered by Fleming in 1928 by accident. At that time, Fleming, who had just returned from a vacation, saw that his agar plate had been contaminated with a type of fungus. He also noticed that bacteria did not grow in these polluted areas.

Out of curiosity, Fleming took samples of the fungus to study. He also found that the fungus came from the genus Penicillium.

Fleming then concluded that penicillin was a substance that had antibacterial effects against staphylococci and other gram-positive pathogens.

About Penicillin

Penicillin is included in the Antibiotic Category with a Drug Category that must go through a doctor's prescription. The benefits of Penicillin are able to overcome bacterial infections and Penicillin can be used by adults and children.

Can Penicillin be used in people who are pregnant and breastfeeding?
Penicillin in this case falls into category B, or it can be explained that penicillin studies in animal experiments do not show any risk to the fetus, but there are no controlled studies regarding penicillin in pregnant women.

Penicillin can be absorbed into breast milk. So don't use this Penicillin drug without a doctor's recommendation. Penicillin forms of drugs are generally in the form of tablets, capsules, injectable fluids.

Precautions you should know about penicillin:

  1. Be careful when using penicillin drugs if you suffer from or have a history of kidney problems, asthma, and epilepsy.
  2. Tell your doctor if you are using any other medicines, including supplements and herbal products before using penicillin. 
  3. See a doctor immediately if there is an allergic reaction or an overdose of penicillin. 
  4. Penicillin can affect the effectiveness of birth control pills. 

What are the reactions of the drug penicillin to other drugs?

The following are some of the interactions that can occur when penicillin is used with other drugs:

  • Penicillin will increase blood levels of the drug, when used with probenecid.
  • Penicillin increases the risk of developing a rash, when used with allopurinol. 
  • Penicillin can also reduce the effectiveness of the BCG vaccine (vaccine for tuberculosis). 

What are the side effects and dangers of Penicillin?

People react to different drugs differently. Side effects that may occur after using penicillin include:
  1. Dizzy
  2. Diarrhea 
  3. Nausea and vomiting 
  4. Abdominal pain 
  5. Insomnia 
  6. Bleeding 
  7. Bruising easily 
  8. Itchy 
  9. Rash 
Important note: See a doctor immediately if side effects of penicillin include:
  • Seizures
  • Impaired kidney function 
  • Yeast infection of the mouth 
  • Allergic drug reactions 

What if the patient is allergic to Penicillin?

Patients allergic to penicillin drugs are usually allergic to all penicillin derivatives because of the hypersensitivity associated with the basic structure of penicillin.

If penicillin (or another beta-lactam antibiotic) is urgently needed by a patient with an immediate hypersensitivity reaction following penicillin administration, administration should be based on a hypersensitivity test.   People who have a history of a mild rash (a rash that occurs on a small part of the body) or a rash that occurs more than 72 hours after administration of penicillin may not be allergic to penicillin and in these people, penicillin can be administered especially if it is to treat severe infections.   However, the possibility of allergies should also be watched out after being given penicillin. Encephalopathy due to cerebral irritation is a very rare but serious side effect. This can occur with the administration of excessive doses of penicillin or normal doses of penicillin in patients with renal failure. Penicillin should not be given intrathecally as this can cause encephalopathy which may be fatal.

If penicillin (or another beta-lactam antibiotic) is urgently needed by a patient with an immediate hypersensitivity reaction following penicillin administration, administration should be based on a hypersensitivity test. 

People who have a history of a mild rash (a rash that occurs on a small part of the body) or a rash that occurs more than 72 hours after administration of penicillin may not be allergic to penicillin and in these people, penicillin can be administered especially if it is to treat severe infections. 

However, the possibility of allergies should also be watched out after being given penicillin. Encephalopathy due to cerebral irritation is a very rare but serious side effect. This can occur with the administration of excessive doses of penicillin or normal doses of penicillin in patients with renal failure. Penicillin should not be given intrathecally as this can cause encephalopathy which may be fatal.