Oil palm rejuvenation is an effort to develop plantation land by replacing unproductive oil palm plants with new plants, either gradually or in whole.
This effort is important to be carried out to maintain the level of productivity of the oil palm plantations. In its implementation, this rejuvenation effort must be carried out in an environmentally friendly manner and zero burning. Rejuvenation is often referred to as replanting.
Requirements for replanting, namely;
- Oil palm plants aged between 25-30 years
- Many palm plants have died
- The use of high yield HK
- Ton / Ha low production ± 15 tons.
In the implementation of replanting, careful and detailed planning is needed to avoid potential losses that might occur. So it is advisable to do it in stages rather than thoroughly by dividing the old land area first. The method of gradual rejuvenation is that some of the old plants are cut down then the land is planted with oil palm and inter-season crops. In addition to reducing the cost of replanting, the gradual replanting model, farmers still get income from old palm trees that are still there from intercropping.
Rejuvenation of smallholder palm oil in stages can be done because:
- at a young age, they are still tolerant of the short exposure time,
- barrier from old plants is relatively ineffective, and
- renovation costs can be provided in stages.
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Image: Old Oil Palm need for Rejuvenation |
The stages in implementing oil palm plantation rejuvenation are as follows:
1. Old Plant Felling
The process of cutting down old oil palm trees can be done using poison from the herbicide paraquat or diquat. The recommended dose is around 50-75 ml / tree. The method is done by making a hole around the base of the stem as high as 1 m from the ground using a drill or ax. After that, the herbicide poison is inserted into the hole through the injection. After four weeks, the poisoned palm leaves will dry up. The next process is to do root pruning by cutting the large palm roots that are near the base of the stem and the soil surface. The goal is to make it easier to dismantle the oil palm trees after being toppled. Given that the roots of oil palms are of the fiber type, the work of dismantling this plant can be helped using an excavator.
2. Unload the staple and slide the stem
The main objective of main demolition is to reduce the intensity of Ganoderma attacks on the rejuvenated area. Demolition is carried out at the base of the base with a size (2 x 2) m. The growth is carried out in such a way that the direction of the fall is parallel to the direction of the row. The felled stems must be a minimum distance of 2 m from the planting hole that has been made. If there are stems that hit the planting hole or terrace, please push it at least 2 m from the hole / terrace. Fronds are cut from the stem so that they are collected at the hole at the base of the stem (stacked) and burned. The goal is to reduce / kill the spores of the Ganoderma boninii fungi.
- Stem and Branch Enumeration
- The chopping work aims to reduce the size of the oil palm trunk and branches into chunks 15-20 cm thick. With a smaller size, the process of rotting the trunk and branches can take place in a shorter time. This process also functions at the same time to prevent pests and diseases from building nests on logs / branches that have been felled. The tool that is commonly used is the chipping bucket.
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Image: chipping bucket |
- Fertilization of land
- Oil palm stems and branches that have undergone perfect decomposition can be used as good compost to fertilize the land. To be absorbed optimally, this natural fertilizer must be distributed evenly throughout the plantation area. It is highly recommended to always use heavy equipment such as excavators so that the process can run effectively and efficiently instead of relying solely on manual labor from humans.
- Ground Cover Planting
- Legume Cover Crop (LCC) is needed for plantations that are being replanted. These plants will improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. In addition, ground cover crops are also useful for maintaining soil moisture levels, preventing erosion, and suppressing weed growth. The most commonly used ground cover crops come from legumes such as Calopogonium mucunoides, Pueraria javanica, Centrocema pubescens, Caloppgonium caerelium, and Mucuna brachteata.
- Land development
- The erection work is intended to facilitate the process of planting oil palm seeds later. This is done by installing stakes as a sign of making planting holes according to the previously planned spacing. A good erection must also be able to provide signs for the construction of roads, ditches, terraces, and planting ground cover plants.
- Implementation of Soil Conservation
- In order to regulate drainage and prevent erosion, especially in sloping areas, soil conservation efforts are needed. This method is also very useful to prevent poor drainage which will interfere with root development and the availability of nutrients in the soil. Measures that should be taken to conserve soil include contour terraces, individual terraces, contour fortifications, rorak, and trenches.
- Making Planting Holes
- The planting hole is carried out in accordance with the implementation stages in the previous chapter. Make it a habit when digging, you have to put topsoil on the north and subsoil on the south. Then plug the stake in the side and center of the hole.
- Planting seeds
- This is a very important stage in the process of replanting plantation land because the quality of the planted seedlings will determine the level of production for the next generation, which is around 20-25 years. So the process must really be carried out appropriately by professional staff.