How do you maintain ginger cultivation?

Maintenance of ginger plant cultivation is a series of activities that include embroidery, weeding, watering and planting. The goal is that the ginger plant can grow and produce optimally.

What should be considered when maintaining ginger plants?

  • Planting conditions grow well, free from weeds, uniform growth;
  • Watering is carried out according to the needs and climatic conditions;
  • Stitching at the age of one month after planting using seeds / seedlings that have been prepared with the same age;
  • Weeding activities are carried out in accordance with weed conditions. Try to keep the plant free from weeds at the age of 3-6 months. After 6 months, do it as needed;
  • Weeding is done mechanically / manually, not using herbicides. For plants that are 4 months old, weeding is done carefully so as not to damage the plant roots and prevent disease entry;
  • Stuffing is done every month, starting at the age of 2 months and can be done simultaneously with weeding.
What are the steps for maintaining ginger plants? Check cropping conditions (free from weeds, uniform growth); Perform watering according to the needs and climatic conditions; Perform embroidery at the age of one month after planting using seeds / seedlings of the same age; Do the weeding about 2-3 weeks after planting (according to weed conditions), then continue about once every 3-6 weeks; Record the tools used for weeding (mechanical / manual); Perform heaping every month, starting at the age of 2 months or at the same time as weeding.

What are the steps for maintaining ginger plants?

  1. Check cropping conditions (free from weeds, uniform growth);
  2. Perform watering according to the needs and climatic conditions;
  3. Perform embroidery at the age of one month after planting using seeds / seedlings of the same age;
  4. Do the weeding about 2-3 weeks after planting (according to weed conditions), then continue about once every 3-6 weeks;
  5. Record the tools used for weeding (mechanical / manual);
  6. Perform heaping every month, starting at the age of 2 months or at the same time as weeding.