Nematode Root Disease
The most detrimental nematodes in ginger are Radopholus similis, Meloidogyne spp. and Pratylenchus coffeae.
Nematode Root Disease Host Plants:
- Potatoes,
- cabbage,
- tomatoes,
- sweet potatoes,
- tobacco,
- tea,
- sugar cane,
- chrysanthemums,
- grains,
- bitter ginger,
- galangal,
- ginger,
- turmeric,
- kencur (aromatic ginger),
- curcuma (Curcuma zanthorrhiza),
- temuputih (Curcuma zedoaria),
- temukunci (Boesenbergia rotunda),
- temuireng (Curcuma aeruginosa),
- and cardamom.
Symptoms of Nematode Disease Attack
- Plants attacked by nematode disease tend to age faster than healthy ones;
- Heavier attack of nematode disease can result in rotten roots and rhizomes. If the affected rhizome is cut crosswise, brown wounds appear on the boundary between the diseased and healthy parts of the rhizome.
Control of Nematode Root DiseaseTechnical culture- Selected land that has never been planted with ginger and has never been reported to be heavily infected by nematodes;
- For land that has been infected with nematodes, it is treated chemically, at least 2 - 3 weeks before planting;
- Proper garden sanitation;
- Crop rotation and timing of planting correctly;
- Use of nematode-free seeds.
MechanicalTreat rhizome with hot water at 40°C for 20 minutes, or temperature 50°C for 10 minutes. Hot water treatment must be carried out with care as the viability of the seeds will be affected. Biological- Utilization of Pasteuria penetrans bacteria at a dose of 2 capsules / plant / 6 months to control Meloidogyne spp., And Radopholus similis;
- Utilization of Arthrobotrys sp., Dactylaria sp., And Dactdella sp. Mushrooms. to control nematode larvae;
- Neem seed powder vegetable pesticides 25-50 g / plant / 3 months (for areas where there are neem plants).
ChemicalInsecticide registered and permitted by the Minister of Agriculture. Work Procedures- Monitor and record the types and conditions of pests and diseases every week;
- Control pests and control diseases by using natural enemies, biopesticides and vegetable pesticides;
- Use pesticides wisely (right type, control method, time, and dose).