How to do the main movements in massage?

Massage is one of the oldest methods of body care and the most useful in physical (body) care. In cosmetology, massage can be used for health and beauty.  To master massage techniques, it is necessary to have knowledge of anthomy (science of body description) and a lot of practice to do massage movements. Massage directs the application of manipulation (handling) treatment from the outside to the body.  This is done by hand or with the help of electric tools (mekhanik) such as facial steamers, vibrators, etc.
Massage is one of the oldest methods of body care and the most useful in physical (body) care. In cosmetology, massage can be used for health and beauty.

To master massage techniques, it is necessary to have knowledge of anthomy (science of body description) and a lot of practice to do massage movements. Massage directs the application of manipulation (handling) treatment from the outside to the body.

This is done by hand or with the help of electric tools (mekhanik) such as facial steamers, vibrators, etc.

Cosmetologists limit the massage area to certain places, especially:

  1. Scalp,
  2. Face, neck and shoulders,
  3. Back and upper chest,
  4. Hands and arms.
Massage should always be demonstrated to the skin using a massage cream. The use of cream facilitates more perfect hand movement, and prevents blisters / tissue damage. Before doing massage, the skin of the face and neck must be cleaned with cleancing.

Things that need to be done in doing massage:

  • Massage is not done when certain conditions are found, such as: bad heart, high blood pressure, swollen joints and glands, skin blisters, broken capillaries.
  • Massage requires a definite and strong touch, thereby inspiring confidence in the person being massaged. Hence the practitioner must have: strong, flexible hands, a calm character, able to control oneself.
  • Doing massage is a combination or combination of one or more basic movements according to the person's condition and the desired results.
The results of massage treatments will depend on the amount of pressure, the direction of movement, and the length of each type of massage.

Purpose or benefits of massage:

Massage or massage is a way of healing that has many benefits for all organ systems of the body. Massage can affect the body organs according to the area to be massaged. The benefits include:
  • Improves skin function: Increased blood circulation in the body will help the process to produce oil glands that will more effectively produce sweat, thereby removing useless substances. The outermost layer of the epidermis will dissolve so that the skin condition will be better. The function of the skin as an absorbent power will increase and the skin will become smoother.
  • Dissolves fat: Pressing and stomping sequencing movements such as squeezing / massaging, tapping, hitting can help dissolve fat so that it burns the body.
  • Increase reflection on digestion: The massage of the stomach with certain movements will further stimulate reflection (peristalsis), thereby facilitating the digestive system.
  • Improve muscle tissue function: Increased blood circulation can increase nutrients (nourishment) into muscle tissue so that elasticity and elasticity will be more durable.
  • Increase bone growth and joint motion: The increased blood circulation caused by sequencing will also increase nutrition so that it can nourish bone cells. Thus also increases the growth of joint motion.
  • Improve the function of the nervous system: Vibrace and friction movements can stimulate nerve function throughout the body.
  • Lymphatic System: Wounds caused by a blow will cause swelling to enter the lymph circulation. Massage can empty the lymph channels and heal the swelling. If the fluid that is causing the swelling is not removed, it will harden so that it cannot pass through the lymph ducts. As a result, the hardened lump of fluid will clot around the tissues: muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and then an "adhesion" is formed.
  • Bladder System: Massage on the back and abdomen increases kidney activity which promotes the elimination of metabolic waste products and reduces fluid buildup.
  • Reproductive System: The reproductive system can also be improved. Massage on the abdomen and back can help relieve menstrual problems, such as pain, premenstrual, irregular menstruation, and others.

Frequency of facial massage:

  • Age 15 to 17 years, no sorting may be done.
  • Age more than 17 years to 25 years, once a month
  • Age more than 25 years to 40 years, 3 weeks
  • Age more than 40 years, once a week

Physiological benefits of massage:

Massage that is done expertly has an effect on the physique (function) of the body directly or indirectly. The immediate effects of massage can be seen first on the skin. In massage skin blood circulation and tools are increased, for example, secretion of glands, feeding and removing substances that are no longer useful for the body. There are almost no organs that are not well influenced by sequential movements scientifically.

Benefits of massage the body, arms, and legs on the body tissues:

  • Rhythmic stimulation of the skin: increasing skin blood circulation, and rhythmically stimulating the sensory structure of the skin.
  • Skeletal muscles and tendons: improve muscle blood circulation and relieve tension in muscle fibers.
  • Against the ligaments (ligaments) fix the disorders of the ties.
  • Blood and lymph circulation: blood and lymph circulation
  • Nervous system: stimulates the nervous system rhythmically to achieve a seudative effect (stimulating and calming)
  • Fat tissue: not affected by massage.

Massage on the face and head is efficacious against:

  • Smooth functioning of the skin and all tissues on the face and head
  • The skin becomes smooth and limp
  • Blood circulation is improved
  • The activity of the skin glands is stimulated
  • The condition of the muscle tissue is improved because blood circulation in the muscles is also smoother
  • Repetitive movements of the nervous system have a calming effect
  • Pain can be reduced
Massage that is too hard on the face and neck will cause the skin muscles to stretch and lengthen, resulting in loosening of the skin-to-bone relationship.

Massage Methods

General massage

  • The severity of the movement and the speed of the sequential movements: Calmness for the person being massaged, can be obtained by doing smooth, light, slow and rhythmic (rhythmic) massage movements. lightly at medium speed and time.
  • Frequency: The frequency of massage, especially for the face, depends on the condition of the skin, age and treatment goals.
  • Direction of massage: All massage movements are carried out perpendicular to the folds of the skin or parallel to the passage of the muscle fibers. Massage hands and feet starting from the tips of the fingers and toes and always towards the heart. On the back, we start from the neck to the shoulders and from the waist up towards the shoulders.

Massage Techniques in particular:

To do the massage perfectly, you can choose five main types of movements as follows:
  1. Effleurage or rubbing.
  2. Friction.
  3. Petrisage or massage / squeeze.
  4. Tapotage or type / pat.
  5. Vibratie

How to do the main massage movements, namely:

Effleurage (stroking movement) - Wiping

Effleurage is a sequence of stroking movements performed rhythmically / rhythmically and in a row upward. The meaning of the rubbing motion, which is a light and continuous movement made with the tips of the lower fingers, especially on narrow parts of the face such as the nose and chin. And with palms on the broad face such as forehead and cheeks. Do it slowly and rhythmically without pressure. Effleurage massage has a seudative effect, namely a calming effect, therefore this movement is always done at the beginning and end of the massage. To perform massage movements, the muscles of the hands and fingers are relaxed.

In the effleurage movement, the palms or fingers must stick and adjust to the part being massaged while pressing gently on each part being massaged, and should not be removed from the skin being massaged until the whole part is finished. With each effleurage the pressure should be light at the beginning then hardened and reduced again at the end of the movement. It is important to note that the rubbing hand returns to the place where the massage came from, loose from the freshly massaged skin.

Effleurage is often used on the face, neck, scalp, back, chest, arms and legs. Efficacy of this sequence movement: Removes mechanically epithelial cells that have peeled off. Steaming can be smoothed by using cream or oil. As a result of rubbing against blood and lymph circulation are as follows: Accelerating the transport of waste substances and blood containing carbon dioxide also accelerates the flow of new lymph nodes and blood which contains a lot of food essence and oxygen. Substance exchange (metabolism) in all tissues is increased and the provision of nourishment to the skin from within the body is more assured.
Effleurage is often used on the face, neck, scalp, back, chest, arms and legs. Efficacy of this sequence movement:
  1. Removes mechanically epithelial cells that have peeled off. Steaming can be smoothed by using cream or oil.
  2. As a result of rubbing against blood and lymph circulation are as follows:
  • Accelerating the transport of waste substances and blood containing carbon dioxide also accelerates the flow of new lymph nodes and blood which contains a lot of food essence and oxygen.
  • Substance exchange (metabolism) in all tissues is increased and the provision of nourishment to the skin from within the body is more assured.

Friction - rubbing

This movement puts pressure on the skin to improve blood circulation, activate skin glands, remove wrinkles and strengthen skin muscles. Do a light circular massage with two fingertips that are pressed perpendicular to the part being massaged. This scrubbing massage has a great effect on the elastic fibers of the connective tissue. Due to the vertical downward pressure, the fibers are contracted and if the pressure is released they lengthen again like a gymnastic motion.

Friction rotates are movements commonly used on the scalp, face, arms and hands. According to the friction method, if it is applied to the scalp, the hair medicine used will be absorbed faster due to the heat generated by rubbing. And circular rubbing can also release any nibbles or scales on the scalp. Friction movements on the arms and hands, namely by sliding, squeezing and rotating. This movement is done by holding the arm or hand firmly, with one hand and moving it back and forth over the bone, and the other hand holding the arm so it doesn't move.
The benefits of the friction movement are: Affects the healing of the parts of the tissue that are diseased or less than perfect. The production of palate or fat glands by the pressure and release of this rubbing sequence, is stimulated so that this method is especially useful for dry skin. Friction has a significant effect on blood circulation and the activity of the glands in the skin.

The benefits of the friction movement are:

  1. Affects the healing of the parts of the tissue that are diseased or less than perfect.
  2. The production of palate or fat glands by the pressure and release of this rubbing sequence, is stimulated so that this method is especially useful for dry skin.
  3. Friction has a significant effect on blood circulation and the activity of the glands in the skin.

Petrisage (Kneading movement) - Squeezing 

This movement uses the tips of your fingers and palms to pinch some parts of the skin. This type of massage requires a little pressure (pressure). The purpose of lightly pinching or pressing massage is to provide deeper stimulation to the skin and improve circulation. The pressure and pinching should be light and rhythmic.

In body massage, pertisage is done between the fingers and palms. In face and neck massage only use the thumb and forefinger or little finger.

Fulling is a form of petrisage that is mostly used to massage the arms. With the fingers of both hands, hold the arms and make one massage motion to the muscles.

The benefits of the petrisage movement are: Streamlining the distribution of substances in the tissue into the blood and lymph vessels, as if being squeezed into them. Blood and lymph deliver nourishment to the tissues and carry the waste of substance exchange from the tissues to the means of disposal. If the flow of blood and lymph is not smooth, there will be a blockage that can be avoided positively through squeezing massage. The spongy fibers of the connective tissue are stimulated first: a tugging or pressing motion will increase their elasticity.
The benefits of the petrisage movement are:
  1. Streamlining the distribution of substances in the tissue into the blood and lymph vessels, as if being squeezed into them.
  2. Blood and lymph deliver nourishment to the tissues and carry the waste of substance exchange from the tissues to the means of disposal. If the flow of blood and lymph is not smooth, there will be a blockage that can be avoided positively through squeezing massage.
  3. The spongy fibers of the connective tissue are stimulated first: a tugging or pressing motion will increase their elasticity.

Tapotage (tapotement) - Tapping

Tapotage massage is the movement of tapping in a row and fast, which is done with the whole hand or with the tip of the finger. The index finger in this motion should be held slightly because its strength is beyond that of the other fingers. In this type of massage, the fingertips are pressed in order to stimulate the skin.

In tapotage, the beat starts at the wrist and is a touch against the skin. This beat should not be painful, and the punch should always be flexed back. The motion to the tapping of the fingertips is carried out at the joint between the knuckle and the palm bone.

The fingers are on the tap of the hand, being passive but on the tapping of the fingers, being active. Taps are performed when necessary to restore tonic to loose muscles and also to stimulate nerve endings. If the beat is done lightly, then each beat is a stimulus that causes muscle contraction which later relaxes again.

Due to repeated contractions, the muscles will train and become stronger. For facial massage, only use a very light and slow tapping motion, namely by touching the two fingers. The chopping motion is a clapping motion performed using the outer sides of both hands, which are tapped on the skin in succession and alternation. The chopping and tapping movements are mostly used for back, shoulder and arm massage.  The efficacy of the tapotage movement is to refresh the muscles and improve blood and lymph circulation at the massage site.
Due to repeated contractions, the muscles will train and become stronger. For facial massage, only use a very light and slow tapping motion, namely by touching the two fingers. The chopping motion is a clapping motion performed using the outer sides of both hands, which are tapped on the skin in succession and alternation. The chopping and tapping movements are mostly used for back, shoulder and arm massage.

The efficacy of the tapotage movement is to refresh the muscles and improve blood and lymph circulation at the massage site.

Vibration (shaking movement)

Vibration massage is a vibrating motion that functions to stimulate or calm nerves and remove wrinkles on the face. In this massage, use your fingertips and palms to alternately vibrate the skin.

This massage can also use a tool called a vibrator. The vibrating motion to stimulate and performed by vibrating the tip of the finger over the nerve is called static vibration and vibrating motion that aims to calm it is called dynamic vibration, which is vibrations that are carried out along the course of the nerve with the tip of the finger.

To prevent over-stimulation, vibrational movements should only be performed occasionally and should not last more than a few seconds at one place. The property of vibratory motion is to relax tissues and relieve tension.

Integrated Movement

Integrated movement, limited to massage the arms, hands and feet. This movement is a movement that is done to the joint, either forward, backward or circular.

Kinds of movement:
  1. Passive movement of the wrist which is done by arching the arms back. Similar movements can be performed on the toes or on the feet.
  2. Movement towards the palms passively done from the wrist by bending the hands down. Similar movements can be performed on the fingers and toes or on the feet.
  3. Passively rotating the fingers. Similar movements can be done for the forearms, toes or toes.

Some things that need to be considered when doing massage, namely the massage finger nails must be short, not cut down, curved and well maintained. And these massage movements can be selected according to the condition of the person being massaged, especially for the effleurage movement, always used at the beginning and end of the massage.