What are the best collagen food sources for the skin?

Collagen is the main structural protein in various connective tissues in a person's body. Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity. So if you see wrinkles appearing, it is a signal that your body's collagen levels have decreased. Maintaining a good diet is one way to slow down the process of breaking down protein.  Collagen rich foods are a source of collagen which is very good for body health. Collagen-rich foods will certainly be highly recommended for consumption in maintaining the elasticity of the skin.  Collagen rich foods are actually easy to get. In addition, collagen-rich foods are also friendly to our bodies and of course very useful in maintaining a healthy body.
Collagen is the main structural protein in various connective tissues in a person's body. Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity. So if you see wrinkles appearing, it is a signal that your body's collagen levels have decreased. Maintaining a good diet is one way to slow down the process of breaking down protein.

Collagen rich foods are a source of collagen which is very good for body health. Collagen-rich foods will certainly be highly recommended for consumption in maintaining the elasticity of the skin.

Collagen rich foods are actually easy to get. In addition, collagen-rich foods are also friendly to our bodies and of course very useful in maintaining a healthy body.

7 collagen-rich foods that can delay skin aging

Meat and Fish Broth

Meat Broth

Bone broth and salmon may be the best collagen-rich foods. This is because these foods can stimulate collagen production. Broth contains a bioactive form of protein that the body can use, especially the skin.

Meanwhile, beef broth is rich in type I collagen, which is very beneficial for skin health. Turkey and chicken broths contain collagen type II which supports joint function. To feel its properties, it is necessary to consume bone broth every day.


Apart from bone broth, salmon also contains zinc and minerals that can stimulate collagen production. In addition, omega-3 fats from salmon can also moisturize so that it can keep skin looking young. To feel its benefits, it is recommended to eat salmon 2 times a week.

Vegetables, Fruits and Berries

Green vegetable

Green vegetables are one of the best collagen rich foods for the body and skin. This is because green vegetables can prevent various diseases. Green vegetables can also prevent early collagen breakdown. All types of green vegetables contain chlorophyll which can increase the amount of procollagen in the skin.

Chlorophyll is what will protect the skin from harmful UV radiation and free radicals that can cause skin aging. The amount of vegetables you should eat depends on your physical activity.

The more you move, the more you need green vegetable intake. If you have activity for more than 30 minutes a day, you can easily eat 3 bowls of vegetables. Meanwhile, if you are less mobile, eat 2.5 bowls of green vegetables.


Citrus fruits contain vitamin C which helps amino acids produce proline. Proline is a chemical required for collagen production. Vitamin C also protects the body from toxins in the environment. To get a good dose of vitamin C, it's best to eat 2 servings of fruit a day.

Tomatoes, Avocados and Strawberries

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant chemical that can protect the skin from UV rays. Lycopene also stimulates collagen synthesis.

Apart from tomatoes, avocado is also a product that contains vitamin E which can help prevent collagen damage in the body. In addition, avocado contains beneficial fats that are good for the skin and avocado oil increases collagen production.

Apart from avocado, strawberries, aspberries, blackberries, and cranberries all contain ellagic acid which the body needs to prevent collagen damage caused by UV rays. Berries also contain vitamin C.

Eggs and Seeds


The next collagen rich food is eggs. Eggs are a product similar to bone broth that contains collagen. Your body can get it directly from the yolk.

Eggs also contain sulfur which is necessary for collagen production and liver detoxification. This means that the toxins that damage collagen are removed from the body. However, you shouldn't eat too much. Just consume 2 eggs.


Collagen-rich foods that come from whole grains include pumpkin seeds and chia seeds, for example. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc which stimulates collagen production. Foods that contain zinc slow the breakdown of protein. In addition, zinc increases the rate of skin regeneration which is necessary for skin health.

Apart from pumpkin seeds, chia seeds are also a collagen rich food. Chia seeds contain omega-3 fats which stimulate the rejuvenation and hydration of skin cells. Adults should eat up to 7 ounces of seeds per day. You can add it to cereals, smoothies or baked goods.