What are the factors that affect one's appearance and personality?

Self-appearance is one of the factors in one's existence that can influence and support self-confidence, self-maturity, success in work, career or professional world, which in turn affects a person's personality. Personality is one of the keys to one's success for career development in the professional world.

Building a good personality will be able to pave the way to a better, more comfortable and enjoyable life. Personality is the characteristics and characteristics of a person's behavior and habits, which can be seen from his physical and mental activity and attitude.

Factors Affecting Personality

Personality can be developed to a better level through everyday experiences that are reflected in his attitudes. Personality relates to attitudes, and is influenced by ways of thinking, ways of communicating, skills or intelligence or education level, physical health and a person's emotional balance.  Attitude Personality will control one's desire and responsiveness to others as well as in solving various problems it faces. A calm and optimistic attitude towards life will help one's personal maturity. Learn to suppress the revealing symptoms of a sour face or signs of anger, impatience and jealousy through an attitude that is acceptable to others and the environment.
Personality can be developed to a better level through everyday experiences that are reflected in his attitudes. Personality relates to attitudes, and is influenced by ways of thinking, ways of communicating, skills or intelligence or education level, physical health and a person's emotional balance.

Attitude Personality will control one's desire and responsiveness to others as well as in solving various problems it faces. A calm and optimistic attitude towards life will help one's personal maturity. Learn to suppress the revealing symptoms of a sour face or signs of anger, impatience and jealousy through an attitude that is acceptable to others and the environment.

Having an impressive attitude can build self-confidence and can expand friendly relationships. The way of thinking is part of a person's personality. People will be able to judge that their personality is good if their way of thinking is forward and positive or vice versa.

A good way of thinking will be able to help someone in solving a problem they face and people will assess their intellectual level. The way of speaking, what a person says and does will have an impact on one's personality.

A person with unbalanced control will influence people's judgment on their personality. A voice with a pleasant tone, will be more attractive because the words that have been spoken we can not take it back so this will affect people's judgment of our personality. This way of speaking is also closely related to ethical manners in social interactions.

Physical health is closely related to one's outward appearance. Someone certainly craves beauty and harmony in appearance. As religious Personality people we realize that beauty is a gift from the Creator, therefore we are obliged to take care of it as well as possible. Physical health is much influenced by habits that a person does such as diet, self-care, use of cosmetics as well as climate or weather and sunshine. To look good, one must always look neat, clean, healthy and have a high taste.

Emotional balance Personality is closely related to a person's mental health, known as inner beauty. Emotional balance will appear in facial expressions, impatience and hand movements that indicate oneself in a state of anger.

Learn to show pleasant emotions in any situation and condition and in dealing with various unpleasant things even sincerely.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that personality is the most valuable possession in a person's life. The temperament and behavior of a person will be the hallmarks of his personality.

Factors Affecting Personal Appearance

Good personal appearance is inseparable from personal health factors. Health or hygiene is the study of ways that are useful in upholding a healthy life. Personal health can be formed through proper self-care. And health or hygiene can be individual and the wider community environment.

Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is related to the careful care, which one takes to maintain one's health and beauty through healthy living rules and actions that nurture and cultivate the integrity of the health soul. Personal or personal hygiene is aimed at maintaining personal health.

Good health will be reflected through bright facial expressions, clean, smooth and smooth skin health, shiny eyes, healthy and well-organized hair. Physical health Personality can be obtained, among others, through a good and correct health diet.

In this diet, try to consume foods that meet good health nutritional standards according to the 'four healthy five perfect' guidelines, if possible, have a balanced diet and consume foods that are loaded with dietary fiber to facilitate the exchange of food in the body such as vegetables and fruits. Fruits Physical health can also be obtained through the right rules of life such as maintaining a good body which includes how to dress, how to dress or make up yourself, regular exercise that can strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation, how to sit and how to stand as well. how to squat and how to walk so that there is no tension and fatigue, how to rest and how to sleep and how to relax in a balanced manner.

Spiritual health Personality is related to maintaining one's integrity through healthy thoughts. Rokhani health is very important for the overall health of the body. Anxious, depressed, moody thoughts and other negative emotions will affect the whole rhythm of life.

Whether we realize it or not, emotional turmoil greatly affects a person's appearance, therefore emotional control is very useful. The soul and body work as one. Well-maintained health is formed due to a balanced condition between body and soul. A healthy mind can be cultivated with self-control or self-control. This is also influenced by the strengthening of faith, the cultivation of a healthy mind, emotional balance and spiritual tranquility.

A good mental attitude Personality can promote health such as joy, courage or passion and hope. Thoughts or emotions can affect facial expressions as an outward expression of one's inner health, speech and bodily activities. To achieve this spiritual health can also be done with meditation, because meditation can help clear and brighten the mind and help increase concentration.

Environmental hygiene

Environmental hygiene includes actions that regulate the environment to give the best possible, such as clean air and smooth air circulation, clean water, clean and smooth waterways and free from noise and pollution.