This condition may occur in children. Parents have an important role to play in imposing boundaries on children to reduce the impact of addiction that occurs on children. That way, you need to know what signs of online games addiction in children can be seen.
By knowing the signs of online game addiction in children, it will certainly make it easier to detect it early to provide faster treatment. In addition, there are also some negative effects that need to be avoided due to online games addiction that occurs in children.
Reporting from the Verywell Mind website, here we summarize an explanation of the signs of online game addiction in children and some other information that you need to know.
What is an online game?
Before knowing what signs of online game addiction in children, it is necessary to first understand what is meant by online games. These online games are usually video games that are played online or online.
This online game can be played using a computer, gadget, or smart phone. Apart from gaming applications, online games are also available and can be played via social media such as Facebook.
Until now, the world of online gaming has become an industry that continues to be developed to attract consumers. No wonder there will be more and more new innovations that offer increasingly sophisticated technology for its users.
Signs of Online Game Addiction in Kids
After knowing a brief understanding of online games, it is also necessary to know what signs of online game addiction in children can occur. Previously it was said that the existence of increasingly sophisticated online games could have a dangerous impact on children, namely addiction. Where children tend to be interested in spending more time playing online games so they can forget about other more important obligations.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that 1 - 16 percent of video game / online games players have addiction criteria. However, the criteria for addiction vary widely across organizations.
To find out the signs of online game addiction in children, don't just consider the amount of time spent playing games. But also includes the attitudes and behavior of children who start neglecting various other important activities and obligations that should be done.
Children who tend to be addicted to games will usually spend more time playing games, forgetting and neglecting other important activities, just p;aying online games everyday. So that children consciously devote their time to playing games rather than doing other activities.
Usually this condition tends to be found in children who like to play Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) games. This type of game can be played by many players who can interact online with one another. This type of game does have a lot of appeal for children because of the sophistication of the features it provides, namely interactive, competitive, and real time.
Similarities to Other Addictions
After knowing some signs of online game addiction in children, then what is the difference between this condition and other addictions. Video game addiction is similar to other addictions in terms of the amount of time spent playing, strong emotional attachment to the activity, and patterns of social difficulties experienced by game addicts.
Like other addictions, game addicts spend more time playing games, and it can interfere with families and other areas of life, such as school. The younger children start playing video games, the more likely they are to develop behaviors such as addiction.
Harmful effects when a child is addicted to online games
After knowing the signs of online game addiction in children, there are several dangerous effects that arise due to this condition. Here are some of the bad effects that can result from online game addiction:
- Increased aggressive thoughts and aggressive behavior, especially in children under 10 years of age.
- Increased risk of seizures due to light, musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs, and increased metabolic rate.
- Reducing pro-social (cooperative) behavior in social interactions.
Based on research with people who are addicted to video games, it shows that they have poorer mental health and cognitive function including poorer impulse control and ADHD symptoms, compared to people who do not have video game addiction.
People who are addicted to video games online also have increased emotional difficulties, including increased depression and anxiety, feel more socially isolated, and are more likely to have problems with using internet pornography.