How to practice basic soccerThis time we discuss several forms of formation for soccer skills training, especially the basic techniques of passing and dribbling. |
Play soccer skillfully using different forms and practice formations
The forms of soccer playing skills training include the following.
1) Group exercise
This exercise is carried out when the facilities (such as: ball, goal, etc.) and infrastructure (such as: school yard, soccer field) are inadequate in both quality and quantity. Because the facilities, infrastructure, and physical education learning media are factors that determine the success or failure of physical education learning activities in schools.
The forms of group training include the following.
a) Practice with six players
The trick is that six players A, B, C, D, E, and F stand in a circle. They face each other to the center of the circle with a distance of -/+8 meters each.
- A kicks the ball towards C, after kicking the ball, A immediately runs to replace C's place.
- C receives the ball, the ball is kicked towards E, C immediately runs to replace E's place.
- E receives the ball, the ball is kicked towards B, E immediately runs to replace B's place.
- B receives the ball, the ball is kicked towards D, B immediately runs to replace D's place. And so on D to F. And so on. Look at the image below.
Image of Skills training playing soccer with six players |
b) Practice with eight or more players
The trick is eight players A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. Players B, C, D, E, F, G, and H line up face to face with a distance of 8 to 15 meters.
- Player A serves as a coach. A kicks the ball to B (the player standing in front) with the inside of the right foot. B receives the ball with the inside of the left foot, then with the inside of the right foot the ball is kicked back to A. B immediately runs to the back of the line after kicking the ball.
- After B runs to the back of the line, then player C who is behind him continues. After all players have had a turn, the player who served as coach can alternate.
Image Training skills to play soccer with eight players or more |
2) Practice with some players
This exercise is carried out if the facilities (such as: ball, goal, etc.) and infrastructure (such as: school yard, soccer field) are adequate in both quality and quantity. The forms of training with several players include the following.
a) Practice with two players
The trick is two players stand facing each other with one ball, with a distance of 8 to 20 meters each. In the middle are planted two flags or stakes with a distance of one or two meters each as a goal or target.
- Each player stops and kicks the ball with the inside of his right foot towards his partner.
- At first the distance between the two players was 8 meters, then it was further extended to 20 meters, and the distance between the two flags was from 2 meters, the longer it was narrowed down to 1 meter.
Image of Skills training playing soccer with two players |
b) Practice with three players
The trick is three soccer players A, B, and C standing in a triangle with a distance of approximately 8 meters each with one ball. Kick to the right (clockwise).
- A kicks the ball with the inside of the right foot towards B.
- B receives the ball with the inside of the left foot, then the ball is kicked with the inside of the right foot towards C.
- C receives the ball with the inside of the left foot, with the inside of the right foot the ball is kicked towards A and so on.
Image Training skills playing soccer with three players |
Football Progress
The world-class football organization is called FIFA (Federation International Football Association). From 1921 to 1951, Mr. Rimet became the chairman of FIFA and set the world football championship to be held every 4 years.