Temperature sensor, Collection of exercises and questions

What are the different types of temperature sensors?

Type of temperature sensor:

  1. PTC
  2. NTC
  3. PT100
  4. LM35
  5. Thermocouple

Draw the symbols for PTC and NTC thermistors?

The following is a picture of the PTC and NTC thermistor symbols
The following is a picture of the PTC and NTC thermistor symbols

Describe the characteristics of PTC and NTC in graphical form?

Characteristics of PTC and NTC
Characteristics of PTC and NTC

Explain the difference between PTC and NTC?

  • PTC if the temperature gets hotter, the resistance will increase.
  • When NTC is exposed to hotter temperatures, its resistance decreases.

Learn to assemble sensors

Make a simulation of the following circuit:
Arrange the pictures below on the experimental board and draw conclusions from the work of the circuit!
Component: R1 = 470R, R2 = 470R, R3 = 33K, R5 = 560R, R4 = 470R, R6 = 47K, R7 = 2.2K R8 = 470R, C1 = 10uF-16V, C2 = 0.04uF-63V, C3 = 0.01uF-63V, Q1 = BC548, Q2 = BC558, Q3 = SL100B, D1 = Red Led, D2 = 1N4001, IC1 = NE555 , SPKR = 1W-8, RTH1 = Thermistor-10K. Power supply = 6 – 1 Volt


  • R1 = 470R, R2 = 470R, R3 = 33K, R5 = 560R, R4 = 470R, R6 = 47K, R7 = 2.2K
  • R8 = 470R, C1 = 10uF-16V, C2 = 0.04uF-63V, C3 = 0.01uF-63V, Q1 = BC548,
  • Q2 = BC558, Q3 = SL100B, D1 = Red Led, D2 = 1N4001, IC1 = NE555 ,
  • SPKR = 1W-8, RTH1 = Thermistor-10K. Power supply = 6 – 1 Volt