What animal has a strong sense of smell?

In order to survive, animals generally develop their senses to identify prey and predators that can endanger their lives. For example, bats have sonar sensors by reflecting sound and capturing it back through their hearing so that they are able to fly and see obstacles at night.
In order to survive, animals generally develop their senses to identify prey and predators that can endanger their lives. For example, bats have sonar sensors by reflecting sound and capturing it back through their hearing so that they are able to fly and see obstacles at night.

Likewise with the following animals that have evolved a strong sense of smell. What animal is it?

Animals that have a sharp sense of smell:


Elephants have very weak eyesight. But elephants also have a very sharp sense of smell.

When you smell an odor, millions of receptor cells on the elephant's trunk send it to the soft tissue part of the roof of the mouth. That is why elephants are able to smell water sources even though they are very far away.


Did you know that snakes have bad eyesight like elephants? Then how do snakes detect and catch prey?

Snakes have a strong sense of smell because they are helped by their tongue. That is why snakes always stick out their tongues when walking or still (not moving).

When sticking out its tongue, the snake collects various compounds from the air and transfers it to the sensors of its nose and body parts. When the snake has detected its prey, it will be difficult for the prey to escape from the snake's pursuit. This is because the snake does not see visually, but detects the smell of its prey wherever it hides.


Although living in water, sharks have a sense of smell hundreds of times stronger than humans. Sharks are able to smell blood from a considerable distance.

But the shark will not attack the source of the smell of blood directly like in the movies. Usually, many shark attacks happen to surfers, especially if the surfer has a wound that is scratched by coral reefs, even though it is small.

This happens because sharks can't tell the difference between surfers and seals even though sharks have sharp eyesight.


The olfactory radius of a bear can reach 30 km. This ability to detect odors is quite far away, so you have to be careful of bears if you are in the forest.

Because in addition to having a sharp sense of smell, it turns out that bears also have a good sense of sight and hearing.

Kiwi bird

The nostrils of the kiwi bird are at the end of its beak. Kiwi bird's olfactory ability is able to penetrate the soil layer.

According to his favorite food, worms. So that the sharp smell of the kiwi bird is very sensitive to detect worms in the soil. Although included in the type of bird, but the kiwi can not fly.


Some studies show that dogs have a sense of smell 10k to 100k times that of humans. Or when compared to the number of receptors, dogs have 300 million receptors, while humans only have 6 million receptors.

With this excellent sense of smell, there is no doubt why they are made as bloodhounds. A dog's keen sense of smell is capable of detecting drugs as well as tracking the traces of crime with very few samples.