Honey and Green Coconut Water
Likewise with honey. This natural liquid produced by bees is very rich in health benefits.
However, what if the two ingredients are mixed in a drink? Here, plengdut.com will describe the benefits and efficacy of drinking green coconut water plus honey.
Absorb toxins in the body
Generally, the ability to absorb toxins in the body will be disrupted due to dietary factors and environmental conditions where we live so that it will have an impact on our health.
Consumption of honey and green coconut water is proven to increase the absorption of toxins in the body that has been disturbed earlier. In addition, a mixture of honey and green coconut is also able to control cholesterol in our blood.
Helps overcome constipation
The performance of the digestive system is decreased and lack of fiber is the main cause of constipation.
By consuming a mixture of coconut water and honey, the performance of the intestines can be faster. So that helps overcome the problem of constipation because the food will be digested well and produce stools that are not hard.
Neutralize stomach acid
A mixture of young coconut water and honey is known to have benefits in helping to nourish the human digestive tract. Coconut water and honey help neutralize stomach acid so as to prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with high acid in the stomach.
The benefits of green coconut water for health coupled with honey make the digestive tract work normally.
So that every digestive process that occurs in the channel can take place optimally and normally until food enters the drain.