Foods that make the ketogenic diet fail (not a success)
In the ketogenic diet there are some foods that should not be eaten in order for the diet to be successful. The types of foods that are prohibited on the ketogenic diet include:
- Rice and its derivatives such as sticky rice, rice cake, arem-arem, bakcang, etc.
- Sugar and its derivatives. Java sugar, sweet soy sauce, syrup, lunkhead, honey, soft drinks, candy, sports drinks, juices.
- Milk.
- Flour or wheat.
- Oatmeal, noodles, bread, cake, pastry, kwetiau, misua, vermicelli, breakfast cereal, etc.
- Tubers. Potato, taro, cassava, sweet potato, corn, etc.
- Fruits. All fruit except avocados and various berries (in reasonable and limited quantities).
- Legumes. Peanuts, peas, soybeans, string beans, chickpeas.
Because the purpose of regulating a diet is for long-term health, of course in ketogenic we always choose good food ingredients, Good Fat, Good Protein, and Good Carb.