Then what are the meanings and benefits of reading this waking prayer? Let's look at the following description:
Reading the wake-up prayer
الْحَمْدُ للَّهِ الَّذِي أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَ مَا أَمَاتَنَا، وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ
Latin: “Alhamdullillahilladzi ahyaanaa ba'da maa amaatanaa wa ilaihin nushur”
Benefits in the meaning of prayer waking up
There are 3 important parts in the wake-up prayer where if you understand the meaning and meaning it will benefit your activities, namely:
Words: Alhamdullillahilladzi
At the beginning of the prayer there is the word Alhamdullillah with Alif and Lam at the beginning. This word means giving all forms of thanksgiving to Allah.
Examples of gratitude: grateful for still being given breath, grateful for still being able to see, hear, and so on. Even if you are an entrepreneur who is experiencing a decline in turnover, never complain about the decline in turnover, but be grateful for the test where Allah tries to remind you to go back to study and analyze what caused it.
It should be remembered that in Islam, all human beings will experience all kinds of tests, starting from a losing business, getting caught in debt, and so on. This is a sign that Allah loves you very much, because from the test, Allah tries to remind you to return to the path to become a better person and raise your rank if you pass the test of life. So stay grateful for being reminded by Allah.
Ba'da ma Amaatanaa
Ba'da ma Amaatanaa means to come back to life. As explained in the Qur'an in Surah Az-Zumar verse 42 which means: "Allah holds the soul (of people) when they die and (holds) the soul (of people) who have not died while sleeping; then He holds the soul (of people) whom He has ordained his death and He released another soul until the appointed time. Verily in that are the signs of Allah's power for a people who think."
So when we sleep, our souls come out and are held by Allah and are returned when they wake up according to His will. Even this theory has been proven by Dr. Arthur J Alison from British University through his research for 6 years.
Using his electronic equipment, Dr Arthur explains that during sleep something comes out of a person's body, and something goes back in when the person wakes up. However, it is different for people who die, something that is detected by electronic devices does not return to the dead. This something could be a spirit (soul) as described in the Qur'an.
Word: Wa ilaihin nushur
Wa ilaihin nushur means "promise to Allah to move (spread) to return to Allah". So ask for permission to do activities looking for supplies that will be brought when the day of reckoning arrives.
The provision for the last day in question is your reward and all your good deeds during your life in this world. For example, you work for money.
According to Islamic teachings that in the property we have there are rights of others. These other people are examples of the poor and orphans.
So when you work and have earned money then donate 2.5% to the poor. For example, when you come home from work on the road you meet a homeless person and give a little of your money, then this is the reward of kindness that will be your provision when the last day arrives
Likewise when you get home, your money becomes a living for your family's needs is also a good reward. Another example is when you work and you hear the call to prayer, then you immediately do the prayer, it is also recorded as a good reward.
In conclusion, reading the wake-up prayer is an expression of gratitude for having been allowed to live and return to activities to do good and do good deeds as provisions for the last day. Because we will never know, when we sleep our lives are returned or not (die), so do more good deeds as if we are going to die today.