The types of human facial skin

Facial Skin Type Skin can be classified into 3 main types as follows.

Facial Skin Type

Skin can be classified into 3 main types as follows.

a. Oily skin

In oily skin, the fat glands work excessively so that they look shiny, thick, have strong tones, large pores and are easy to get disturbed in the form of acne (blackheads, acne, and the like).

b. Dry skin

In dry skin, the fat glands work less actively. The skin looks dull, thin, scaly, smooth, wrinkles appear more quickly. The pores are not visible, it is easy to get disturbed by the dilation of the hair blood vessels.

c. Normal Skin

The skin is not oily and not dry, so it looks fresh and good, the pores are almost invisible. Excretion of dirt and absorption of useful substances through the skin and blood circulation goes well, so it is rare to get acne problems or the appearance of defects on the facial skin and its tone is good.

d. Mixed Skin

Mixed skin type, ie the middle of the face (around the nose, chin, and forehead) is sometimes oily or normal. While other parts are normal or dry. It can occur at any age, but is more common in people over 35 years of age.