WBS Dictionary
Creation of WBS is the process of decomposition of deliverables into more manageable components. The actual work is defined in the lower level of a component called work package. Work package contains more details about the work to be done in the project. A control account is assigned to each work package or multiple work packages. Control account is the tool which is used to track work packages. Details of all the work packages in the work breakdown structure are stored in?
A. Requirement traceability matrix.
B. Scope management plan.
C. WBS dictionary.
D. Schedule network diagram.
Answer: Option C is correct.
WBS contains
Details of all the work packages in the work breakdown structure are stored in WBS Dictionary. It contains:
- A unique identifier called code of account identifier.
- Assumptions and constraints.
- Acceptance criteria.
- Schedule, cost estimates.
- Description about the work that needs to be done.
- The team responsible to do the work.
- Quality requirements.