Ken is the project manager in a cloud project, which migrates all the software code to the cloud. In his organization project manager shares the authority with the functional manager. Lisa is the functional manager in the same organization, working for a long time. Lisa and Ken are working on the project which has a tight budget. One of the matrix organization in the below options is not a valid matrix organization. Identify the wrong one.
Matrix organization is subdivided into 3 categories
Ken is the project manager in a cloud project, which migrates all the software code to the cloud. In his organization project manager shares the authority with the functional manager. Lisa is the functional manager in the same organization, working for a long time. Lisa and Ken are working on the project which has a tight budget. One of the matrix organization in the below options is not a valid matrix organization. Identify the wrong one.A. Strong matrix organization.
B. Balanced matrix organization.
C. Project matrix organization.
D. Weak matrix organization.
Answer: Option B is not a valid matrix organization. Other options are correct. Matrix organization is subdivided into 3 categories as weak matrix organization, strong matrix organization and balanced matrix organization.