What is example of corrective action?

Corrective action example

Corrective action example Working on your project management training curricula project, you decided it would be beneficial to you to become an active member of the Project Management Institute as part of the objectives of your project is to ensure it is aligned with PMI®’s best practices. To complement PMI®’s Work Breakdown Structure Practice Standard, you learned PMI® was requesting volunteers to participate in development of a similar standard on the Scope Statement. You volunteered, and now the Standard is issued. This is an example of:   a. Improving your own competency as a project manager  b. Corrective action  c. Preventive action  d. A requirement for you to immediately update your project management plan  Answer: b. Corrective action  Corrective action When you volunteered, you signed a confidentiality statement so you could not disclose what was under way on this activity. Now the Standard has been issued, and to stay in alignment with PMI®’s best practices, you need to issue a change request based on corrective action to realign the performance of the work of your project with your project management plan. [Executing]

Working on your project management training curricula project, you decided it would be beneficial to you to become an active member of the Project Management Institute as part of the objectives of your project is to ensure it is aligned with PMI®’s best practices. To complement PMI®’s Work Breakdown Structure Practice Standard, you learned PMI® was requesting volunteers to participate in development of a similar standard on the Scope Statement. You volunteered, and now the Standard is issued. This is an example of: 

a. Improving your own competency as a project manager 
b. Corrective action 
c. Preventive action 
d. A requirement for you to immediately update your project management plan

Answer: b. Corrective action 

Corrective action

When you volunteered, you signed a confidentiality statement so you could not disclose what was under way on this activity. Now the Standard has been issued, and to stay in alignment with PMI®’s best practices, you need to issue a change request based on corrective action to realign the performance of the work of your project with your project management plan. [Executing]