What is group decision making technique?

Identify the group decision making technique which is not valid from the given options

Deborah is working for the company XYZ Corporation. And she has dual roles as a business analyst as well as a project manager in the project. She is working on prioritizing the requirements. One of the group decision-making techniques that she is working on is not valid. Identify the group decision making technique which is not valid from the given options.

A. Majority.
B. Unanimity.
C. Minority.
D. Dictatorship.

Answer: Option B is not correct.

Valid group decision making techniques are:

  • Unanimity: This decision is taken by everyone in the group and also accepted by everyone.
  • Majority: In this decision making more than half of the members of the group support the decision.
  • Plurality: Decision is based on the largest block in the group, even if the majority of the vote is not reached.
  • Dictatorship: In this method one individual decides for the entire group.