Leadership, Operating With Confidence & Self Confidence

Exceptional leaders are confident, but never arrogant. They value the contribution of all their subordinates, while at the same time offering honest and constructive feedback. The leader knows that the goals of the group are attainable, even if they might be very difficult to attain, and she or he sets that positive expectation for the group. A leader displays a positive attitude. This attitude inspires the team to reach for objectives that sometimes will test the limits of the team’s capabilities. The leader encourages the team members to look beyond their self-interest and to recognize that achieving the team’s goals are in everyone’s best interest. 

Confidence goes both ways. As the leader, you must demonstrate to the team members that you are confident and capable. If you are constantly second-guessing yourself, or if it obvious that you hesitate making decisions, team members will pick up on that. They will interpret your lack of confidence as indifference, or they could see it as doubt that the team’s goals will be achieved. For the team to function optimally, all members of the group must be convinced that the leader and the other team members are not operating with some ulterior motive. At the same time, the leader must have confidence that the team members are responsible and ethical in their work on the team’s assignments.

Operating With Confidence 

Leaders who display indecision, uncertainty, and hesitation rarely inspire their teams to achievement. Team members have more confidence in, and work harder for, leaders who they perceive to be self-assured. The most dysfunctional teams I have worked on all shared one common theme. They were led by individuals who continually second guessed themselves and who were paralyzed by indecision. These teams struggled because the team members had no confidence in the leader. 

The most successful teams that I have been associated with all had leaders who displayed a sense of self-confidence. They had confidence in the team members and they had confidence in themselves. Their self-confidence allowed them to listen to team members’ suggestions, to respect the team members as valuable partners, and even to admit when they were wrong. Successful leaders recognize that self-confidence is a valuable trait, and they know it must be continually cultivated in themselves and in their subordinates.
The most successful teams that I have been associated with all had leaders who displayed a sense of self-confidence. They had confidence in the team members and they had confidence in themselves. Their self-confidence allowed them to listen to team members’ suggestions, to respect the team members as valuable partners, and even to admit when they were wrong. Successful leaders recognize that self-confidence is a valuable trait, and they know it must be continually cultivated in themselves and in their subordinates. 

Self-Confidence Is A State Of Mind That Can Be Nurtured 

We all encounter times in our life when we are not sure what action we should take. It is impossible to accurately predict what will happen in the future and what the consequences of our actions will turn out to be. Doubts may arise in our minds about whether the actions we are about to take will produce the outcome we are anticipating. This uncertainty is often a self-confidence killer. As a leader, you cannot allow lack of confidence to be the cause of indecision or inaction. While it is natural to be apprehensive about the future, effective leaders find ways to develop greater selfconfidence and move forward.

Planning And Preparation Creates Confidence 

In my experience, I have learned that the easiest way to bolster my self-confidence is to be prepared. Whether it is a new assignment for the team or a roadblock that we encounter along the way, the more prepared I am, the more confident I am. A strong leader is continually studying the situation and planning actions accordingly. When it is a new assignment, ask yourself and your team to think about how to accomplish the goal. Are there more than one approach to take to fulfill the assignment? If so, look at the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Think about potential roadblocks and determine possible ways to overcome them. You may not be able to anticipate every possible scenario but, by considering the problems that can arise, you will be armed with potential solutions. 

A Positive Attitude Nurtures Confidence 

For me, a negative attitude and lack of self-confidence feed off one another. When I am feeling positive about my situation and about my life, I naturally feel more confident. I have learned that I can create a greater sense of self-confidence when I start with a positive mental attitude. Some people seem to have the knack of projecting a positive attitude in even the most taxing situations. What I have found by talking to these eternally positive people is that they are as anxious in certain situations as I would be, but they are able to outwardly project confidence. Without a certain degree of confidence in yourself and your abilities during those challenging situations you become prone to anxiety, panic, and poor decision making.

Take Positive Actions To Improve Your Mindset 

Developing a positive attitude takes work and maintaining a positive attitude in adverse circumstances can be even more difficult, but it is worth the effort. Fortunately, there are purposeful activities you can undertake that will lead to a more optimistic outlook and, in turn it will bolster your self-confidence. Taking a constructive action is the way to reduce the negativity. The actions that you take when you find yourself feeling apprehensive or hesitant will have a strong impact on your demeanor. 
It is important to understand that there isn’t one particular action that you can take whenever you want to develop a more positive outlook. There are times when one approach has worked for me, but at other times it did not work and I had to try something else. Often many small actions that seem to be inconsequential can add up and be extremely effective. Here is a selection of positive actions I have used to bolster my confidence. 

Use Affirmations To Nurture A Positive Mindset 

Many people use positive affirmations to create a confident mindset. It often works for me. When I am anticipating a situation in which I might be hesitant, I write down the positive thoughts I want to embed in my subconscious. The affirmations are simple phrases that are repeated to yourself over and over. Simple phrases such as “I have the talent to create a successful life” and “Today is a good day to be alive” have been effective for me.

Document Your Strengths And Achievements 

Confidence comes from recognizing that you are capable of being successful. You should be purposefully aware of the successes you have had and celebrate them. Most people have the tendency to minimize the achievements they have attained and focus on their past failures. This has always been a struggle for me. I overcome this tendency by keeping a list of the successes I have had. It is a resume of sorts in that I think about the jobs I have had in the past and write down the times that I was successful. I note my personal accomplishments, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential. I note the times when I solved a problem, or when I created a new process that worked better than what we had been doing. I also note the times when the team I was leading had successful outcomes. If you give this some careful thought, you will be surprised at how many successes you can list. Whenever, I review this list, I feel a surge of self-confidence.

Take Actions To Feel Good About Yourself 

I am very self-critical and that often affects my confidence. When I am in a self-critical mood, the only way I have found to break out of it is to take a positive action. By focusing on actions I can take in my diet, exercise, and dress, I become more confident. I attack stressful situations with physical activity. Whether it is a workout in the gym or simply a short walk, increasing your physical activity will create a more positive mindset. I have also found that I feel better about myself when I dress well. Wearing well-fitting clothes that are appropriate to the situation always works for me. 

Gaining Confidence Through Education 

Learning increases self-confidence. Effective leaders recognize that the world is continually changing and we must all keep up with the changes. When I graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in a science field and started on my first managerial job, I was pretty naïve about business. I knew a lot about science, but my job was as an assistant manager of a restaurant, so my science background didn’t really prepare me for the job. In that position, I was never very confident of my leadership skills. 
One of the ways I was able to become more confident was by continuing my education. I took workshops, attended seminars, and studied the topics that I felt needed work. Over time, I became skilled at the business aspects of the job and that increased my confidence as a leader. Throughout my career. I continued to focus on my education. Whether it was formal education in graduate school as I earned an MBA or informal education through seminars and workshops, it was clear to me that continuing to learn was the only way I could build my skillset to become a more successful leader.