- Oil palm requires rainfall of 2,000 - 2,500 mm / year with dry months <75 mm / month no more than 2 months. Rainfall 2000 mm / year is evenly distributed throughout the year, there is no clear dry period. High rainfall causes high palm flower production, low palm fruit presentation, inhibits pollination, most of the pollen is washed away by rainwater. Low rainfall is inhibited palm leaf formation, flower and fruit formation (flowers / fruit are formed in the axillary). Areas with 2 - 4 dry months of oil palm have low productivity.
- The average annual temperature for oil palm growth and production ranges from 24 ° -29 ° C, with the best production between 25 ° –27 ° C. The optimum humidity is 80 - 90% with wind speeds of 5 - 6 km / hour. Evapotranspiration less than rainfall is not a problem, but if the evapotranspiration is greater than the rainfall, the plants will experience a water deficit.
- The height of the planting place.
- The suitable oil palm development area is at 15 ° N - 15 S. The ideal location (altitude) of oil palm plantations ranges from 0 - 500 m above sea level (asl). o d. Long Irradiation Duration is good for oil palm between 5-7 hours / day. Minimum 5 hours of exposure per day, all year round. Ideal conditions: there is a period of at least 3 months in 1 year with irradiation of 7 hours per day.