What is Business case document?

Sugest Document: Business case

You work for a software development company that  has followed the waterfall development model for more  than 20 years. Lately, a number of customers have com￾plained that your company is taking too long to complete  its projects. You attended a class on agile development  methods and believe that if the company used the agile  approach, it could provide products to clients in a shorter  time period. However, it would be a major culture  change to switch from the waterfall methodology to the  agile approach and to train staff members in this new  approach. You mentioned this idea to the director of the  PMO, and although she liked the idea, she would need  approval from the company’s portfolio review board to  move forward with it. She suggested that you document  this idea in a— 

a. Business need 
b. Product scope description 
c. Project charter 
d. Business case

Answer: d. Business case

Business case 

The business case is used to provide the necessary  information to determine whether or not a project is  worth its investment. It is used to justify the project  and typically contains a cost-benefit analysis and a  business need. [Initiating]